September is National Gum Care Month, and it is a big deal for your oral health. Good oral health is the foundation to a healthy-looking, self-confident appearance when it comes to your smile. By ensuring healthy teeth and gums – because when it comes to tooth loss, it is not just from tooth decay and cavities – periodontal disease is... read more »
Keeping your teeth healthy means you get to keep them longer, hopefully for a lifetime of smiles! But there are times when an adult tooth (or more) may need to be extracted. As periodontists, we work hard to help you keep your permanent teeth in place as long as possible. Our periodontist has advanced training to effectively replace a lost... read more »
Orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, is how our doctors correct the irregularities of the jawbones while also realigning the jaws and the teeth for a better bite and improved appearance. This corrective jaw surgery fixes skeletal abnormalities of the face and the jaw and can also be performed to fix the airways for those suffering from sleep apnea. Problems With... read more »
Did you know that a big investment you can make in your overall health and self-confidence is to make sure you have a healthy smile? June 15th is National Smile Power Day, and it’s a great time to become more aware of the many benefits of having a healthy, confident smile wherever you go! The Psychology and Physiology of Smiling... read more »
If you have ever experienced a dental abscess, you will likely know it. While not always painful, it often can be until the infection kills the pulp inside the root of the tooth, causing the tooth to lose sensation. Abscesses are an oral condition stemming from a bacterial infection in the mouth with a buildup of pus in the gum... read more »
For patients who have suffered from an injury to their teeth, skin, or bones of their face, our highly trained oral and maxillofacial surgeon can safely address your facial injuries so you can once again look and feel like yourself. It is crucial because facial injuries cause not just physical but emotional trauma alike, affecting long-term mental and physical health.... read more »
Are you having problems with the third molars in your mouth? Also known as wisdom teeth, these permanent adult teeth show up between the ages of 17-25, tucked away in the back of the mouth (both on the top and bottom). They are typically hard to reach with your toothbrush to clean, and these rear teeth can become impacted because... read more »
Millions of Americans experience tooth loss at some point in their lives, whether from cavities, tooth decay, advanced gum disease, aging, or oral trauma. In the past, these lost teeth would be replaced with dentures or bridges. Thanks to technological advancements, dental implants are quickly becoming a popular tooth replacement option for one or more missing teeth, especially for those... read more »
You probably already know that your skeleton is made of bone, a hard material that makes your body strong. But did you know that inside of your bones there are actual living bone cells that keep your bone structure healthy? These cells also help fix your bones and help them heal after an injury. Bone Graft after Bone Loss If... read more »
Winter is almost here, and sports activities can find a way to bring a dental emergency into your life during the busy holiday season. Whether you are skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, swimming, or surfing, accidents can happen. It can mean running into a tree while sledding, falling on your face at an ice skating rink, or knocking a tooth out... read more »